Let’s talk about flyers and handbills! In antifascist and anti-authoritarian movements, plastering the streets with bold, unapologetic messages of resistance is one of the simplest ways to support your community in times of strife by saying: “We’re here. We’re fighting. And you’re not alone.”
Flyers are cheap and accessible, and flyering is the kind of grassroots resistance that authoritarian regimes can’t algorithm away. That’s why we share downloadable flyers and handbills here — so all you have to do when you’re ready to speak out is print them out and go.
Let’s dive into why flyering is still a revolutionary act anyone can do.
1. Flyers Get People Thinking and Talking
Whether they’re pinned to bulletin boards, taped to the back of a restroom door, slapped onto telephone poles, or tucked under the windshield of a fugly Cybertruck, they turn ordinary spaces into moments that demand critical thinking and examination of our shared societal values. Unlike a social media post that can be shadowbanned or scrolled past, a flyer grabs attention in real life and lets people with ill intent know that if they insist on steamrolling the rights of other people, they are going to have a fight on their hands.
2. Flyers are Relatively Inexpensive and Decentralized
You don’t need a fancy organization or a big budget to get your ideas out through flyers. You can print a bunch out for a couple of bucks. And if someone removes your flyer, you haven’t lost some large investment; you can just put more up elsewhere. It’s resistance that can’t be centralized, making it almost impossible for the powers that be to fully shut down.
3. They Build Solidarity from the Ground Up
A good flyer isn’t just a statement: It’s a reminder to everyone else that resistance is needed and there’s strength in numbers. Flyers can be where people find out about the next protest, a mutual aid group, or the underground network fighting back to protect the rights of community members. It’s about turning your simmering rage into something that informs and uplifts in spite of the fear and anxiety reverberating in the community.
4. Flyers Flip the Script on Fear
Authoritarians thrive on fear. They want you to feel isolated, powerless, and silenced. But when you see flyers calling out the bullshit and mocking the oppressors, it reminds them — and you — that resistance is alive and well and that WE OUTNUMBER THEM. Don’t be afraid to flood your community with messages of love and support along with information about resources when you can. Especially if you live in communities where white supremacists and other right-wing hate groups are running their own flyering campaigns to spread hatred and intimidate marginalized communities.