New: Printable abortion access flyers and stickers

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Abortion access printable flyers: Three colorful flyers. Free download!

Abortion is a human right. Maddeningly, the Republican Party, which is in control of every branch of the federal government, has fantasized about a federal abortion ban for decades. So even people in so-called “blue states” should not consider themselves safe from the risk of nationwide pregnancy policing as long as the GOP holds all the levers of federal power.

That’s why everyone who can get pregnant should have abortion pills on hand in their cabinet, just like they would ibuprofen or heartburn tablets or any other medicine they might need in the future.

Our new printable abortion access flyers carry an unapologetic message — abortion is your right — along with a QR code urging the viewer to check out Did you know? Anyone anywhere in the U.S. can use to find a place to safely order abortion pills, even if they live in a state where abortion is banned or restricted.

Included in the download linked below are versions of the flyer designs formatted so they can easily be made into stickers. (Learn more about that here.)

Where should you leave these flyers?

You’re going to know your community (and your local laws! and your personal tolerance for legal risk!) best, so feel free to use the ideas below as a jumping off point for what’s possible.

Libraries & Bookstores

  • Slip handbills into books in sections popular with young women and teen girls: Young Adult fiction, feminist nonfiction, self-help, health, and pregnancy-related books.
  • Place them inside “banned books” displays: Books that conservatives try to censor often have themes of bodily autonomy, feminism, or resistance. Young women are drawn to these books.
  • Insert them into books in Little Free Libraries: Or just leave a stack of them in there! Find a Little Free Library in your neighborhood here!

Bathrooms & Changing Areas

  • Stick flyers inside public restroom stalls: Especially at places young women frequent, like malls, coffee shops, and concert venues.
  • Leave them in OB-GYN, urgent care, or Planned Parenthood bathrooms: Even in states where abortion is legal, people travel for care!
  • Colleges and high schools: Bathroom stalls in women’s dorms, student unions, and health centers are prime spots.

Community Boards & Free Spaces

  • Bulletin boards at clinics and health centers: Especially near sexual health, pregnancy, and mental health resources.
  • Grocery store and laundromat bulletin boards: Women and teens may check these boards for local resources.
  • Tack one up in the community boards at cafes, pizza shops, craft stores, and diners: Especially ones near high schools and colleges.
  • Inside or near courthouses: Where women seeking restraining orders, child custody, or divorces may need reproductive care information.

Retail & Shopping Areas

  • Inside fitting rooms: Leave a flyer or sticker inside the frame at places like Target, Forever 21, H&M, and thrift stores.
  • Tuck one into a stack of free event flyers: Record stores, alternative shops, and bookstores often have flyer displays.
  • Inside purses, wallets, or tote bags on display: If the store is lax about checking displays.
  • Near pregnancy tests and condoms in stores: If your store has locked cases, leave some in nearby aisles.
  • Grocery stores: Place a small stack near the diapers or formula in the baby aisle. You may even be able to find a spot near the pharmacy where you can leave a few flyers or pin one up.

Colleges & Schools

  • Dorm laundry rooms and student lounges: Students killing time will see them on common tables or taped to doors or walls.
  • Student health center waiting rooms: College nurses often can’t say much about abortion due to state laws, but a flyer can.
  • Lecture halls and common study areas: Slip them into unattended notebooks, under chairs, or onto tables.
  • Inside bathroom stalls in student centers and dorms: A high-visibility, low-risk placement.
  • If you’re a school librarian: Could you discreetly tuck flyers inside books in the school’s health or relationships section?
  • Sportsball games bring folks from out of town: If your college or high school is hosting a big sporting event, you can look at a parking lot full of cars as an opportunity!

Public Transportation & Waiting Areas

  • Bus stops and train stations: Attach them to shelters, benches, or tuck them inside timetables.
  • Rideshare seats and taxis: Leave a flyer in the seat pocket or door compartment of an Uber/Lyft.
  • Rest stops and gas stations: Especially in states where people cannot access abortion care without traveling.
  • Airports, especially near women’s restrooms: People from restricted states often travel for reproductive healthcare.

Bars, Clubs & Concert Venues

  • Leave a flyer inside the bathroom stalls at bars and clubs: People who need Plan B or abortion access may see them.
  • Concert venues: Stickers in women’s restrooms or on venue community boards are gold.
  • Merch tables: Some bands may let you place a stack of abortion access flyers on their merch table. Might as well ask!
  • Cars in the parking lot: Putting a flyer under the windshield of all the cars at an event is a classic, if you’re up for it!
  • Pack a stack for festivals: Music festivals are full of young women who will all eventually need to use the portable toilets.

Workplaces & Offices

  • Breakroom bulletin boards and kitchen areas: Especially in workplaces with younger employees or lower-income workers.
  • Inside employee handbooks or HR materials: If your workplace provides health resources, perhaps you can add to them?